Monday, October 16, 2006

Provoke a Thought Or Two.

Racy Li kindly pointed me at The Sixth Feminist SF Blog Carnival, which has kindly linked to my rant about the place of virgin heroines. (Read below.)

Dozens of interesting links discuss the roles of female protagonists in books, TV, movies, comics and video games.

I was glad to see that I was not the only one let down by the season finale of Eureka. It's so great to see a sci-fi show that dares to focus on relationships, but holy crap, could we break outta the box just a bit, fellas? In a town where the rules of physics are broken left and right, can we maybe get ourselves a little more challenging of a relationship going on?


Ursula said...

Oooh! I have not seen the last Eureka episode, it's on the DVR. I was too absorbed in the season ender for the Veture Brothers. I hope Eureka isn't too much of a let down. I've really enjoyed the show.

The Sidhe said...

I agree totally! *sigh* It's not a great letdown so don't worry. There is also an extremely touching scene when he wakes spoiler, I promise...that had me crying. I just wish it wasn't predictable.